"we are what we repeatedly do; excellence then is not an act but a habit"--Aristotle-
Personal excellence involves one's motives,  core values and standards.
From (European Academy for Executive Education,eurac, 2012-2014), personal excellence is the ability to create solutions in difficult situations to enable you overcome these challenges successfully. And now,  it takes self-discipline to achieve personal excellence and so is the reason for today's topic: self-discipline and personal excellence.
  • Your life, your potential, and your possibilities are your most valuable asset. Therefore, your great  goal in life should be to fulfill that potential and become everything you are capable of becoming.  
  • Excellence comes by continuous practice and working. One needs to protect his or her "working or earning ability" .In other words, your ability to work and earn some income must be appreciating and not depreciating. 

  • This means, whichever knowledge and skills which helped you to achieve 'A 'today, may not necessarily help you to achieve 'B' tomorrow. This is due to the fact that the knowledge and skills you have may become obsolete. Therefore, for continues success to personal excellence, one needs to grow continually. 
  • Your potential has NO LIMITS. Excellence is not by accident but requires a definite decision and longlife commitment. You must stay focused. 

Note : extraordinary achievements were attained by ordinary men. It's all about making the decision for excellence , continue to learn and grow. Learn from the best people in your field, and do what they do and
Go the extra mile. 

The Seven Proposed Steps To The Top. 
1. Arise two hours before your first appointment. 
This simply means that if your day begins at 7:00am, you need to arise from sleep 5:00am.
Invest the first hour in yourself by reading something educational, motivational, or spiritual. I recommend devotion and reading of the Bible- it contains all knowledge for life on earth and beyond (2Pet 1:3,8). This habit will always help you  to be more positive, creative, alert and productive. Especially reading in your field will expose you to many things in your field thereby increase your knowledge in your field.   

2.  Rewrite your goals everyday. 
Rewrite your major  goals in present tense every morning before you start out, without looking back at what you wrote the previous day. This is the means of programming instructions into the guidance mechanism of your mind. The more you keep rewriting your goals each day, it will remind you to be focused and making you look for ways and opportunities to achieve them. 

3. Plan your day in advance.
Make a to-do- list and set priorities on your work before you start off. Your ability to choose what do  first according to the order of importance will help you to be organized and to be able to manage your time.This will in turn increase your productivity. 

4. Discipline yourself to concentrate single-mindedly on one thing.
Being able to focus on one thing at a time and working to achieve 100% of it is the best. You don't need to be doing two or three things when you know you can't finish them. 

5. Listen to educational audio programmes. 
Since one does not  necessary have to go to class to get such information, listening to them in your car, office, at your free time is helpful. According to Brian Tracy, when you do it so well, 'you will get equivalent of two full -time university semesters.'

6. Ask at least two self-analysis questions after every event or activity. Ask yourself, what did I do right? What would I do differently? You are reviewing your performance by thinking about what you did right and what you would do differently, and you psyche yourself to do better next time. 

7. Treat every person you meet like a very important person. 
The one you work with at home, office or school,  treat him or her as though she or he is the most important person in the world. They would like to be associated with you. Never miss an opportunity to treat people well. 

These seven steps if taken into action will bring astonishing improvements that can carry you onward and upward for the rest of your life.   

     I’m pressing on the upward way,
New heights I’m gaining every day.......it's the language of one disciplining himself for personal excellence. 
The  End.   

References :
1.The Power of Self -Discipline by Brian Trac(2014).  Chap. 5, p. 79-104.

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