Historically, God has spoken to man in diverse ways [Hebrews 1] and man, in turn, has uttered not a few words back to his Maker. Today, contrary to the phony claims of so-called prophets, God has spoken [and continues to speak] to us through the inspired record, the Bible, and man has the privilege to speak back through prayer, either privately or publicly, to God.

Meaning of Prayer

One dictionary defines Prayer as communication with God [where one addresses God directly] and may include petition, entreaty, supplication, thanksgiving, praise, hymns, and lament.
The English word Prayer derives from the Latin prex meaning petition, entreaty, or request. Two examples in the Bible can be used to demonstrate this.
First, Paul wrote, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved.”- Rom 10:1. 
Second, childless Hannah petitioned Jehovah in Shiloh for a son: “Now it happened, as she continued praying before the LORD, that Eli watched her mouth. Now Hannah spoke in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard [...]”- 1 Sam 1:12-13
Prayer, therefore, can be summarized as the sincere desire of the heart expressed in intelligible words [either audible or inaudible] and directed to God. The point must quickly be made to exclude from this definition the modernist’s view of “praying in tongues”, which is nothing more than the ecstatic expression of streams of unintelligible words.

Importance of Prayer

James penned, “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” Perhaps, the power of prayer can physically be likened to the strong and powerful front limbs of the Mantis religiosa, commonly called the praying mantis [front limbs are held together at an angle that suggests the prayer position].
Twentieth century gospel preacher, B. C. Goodpasture, once stated,
_“It would be just as possible to live physical life without breathing as it is to live spiritual life without prayer.”_

The essentiality of prayer in the Christian faith is seen just prior to the establishment of the church [Acts 1:23-26], immediately after her establishment [Acts 2:42] and during crisis [Acts 4:23-31]. To the Thessalonian Christians Paul admonished, “pray without ceasing” -1 Thes 5:17.
The founder of the Christian faith, Jesus Christ, was a man of prayer. Mark is careful to note, “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” –Mk 1:35. The importance of prayer can never be overly stated.

Who Can Pray

Every saint, either male or female, has the right to pray privately to God. In the congregation, however, only the male saints are to lead in prayers. - 1Tim 2:8

How to Pray

Regardless of who prays, it must proceed from a righteous heart [See James 5:17]. A righteous heart eschews evil and seeks to please God by doing what is right in His sight. When a penitent sinner, for example, comes before the LORD in prayer pleading for pardon, he displays a righteous disposition of the heart and is, therefore, heard.
Prayer must be carried out with great respect and reverence towards Jehovah. The Psalmist declared, “God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him”- Psa 89:7
Matthew chapter 6 is a guide post to every saint on the proper disposition of character to assume when approaching God through prayer. The faithful Christian will seek to study and apply these principles during prayer times.
Prayer must, however, be offered to God through Christ our Mediator - Heb 7:25

Components of Prayer

  1. Praise: means to shine forth light on something. We must declare the absolute goodness and perfect attributes of Jehovah when we pray. The Psalmist declared, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD”- Psa 150:6
  2. Thanksgiving: A grateful heart will always be filled with thanksgiving to God. Paul wrote, “in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”-1 Thes 5:18; cf Eph 5:20

The Psalmist reminds us to offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving to Jehovah for His deliverances- Psa 116:17. Ungratefulness is the attitude of the unbeliever and unrepentant in heart! cf Luk 17:17
3.  Petition: means to “turn to” or “to appeal to”. Petition and thanksgiving are two sides of the same coin. Philippians 4:6 states succinctly, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”
4.Confession: admission and confession of sins [both omission and commission] to God precede forgiveness. The faithful Christian will remember to confess when on the knees. - 1 John 1:8-9; cf Luk 18:13

Hindrances to Prayer

Apart from neglecting the aforementioned specifications on prayer, the following inhibit prayers:
  1. Selfishness: a materialistic approach to prayer petitions will never be answered. – Jam 4:3
  2. Faithlessness: seeds of doubt sown before, during or after prayer will yield fruits of nothingness and render the prayer forlorn. Cf Mat 21:22; Jam 1:5-8
  3. Broken Relationship: a sinful way of life is a great hindrance to prayer, for God does not hear sinners! Isaiah cried out to sinful Israel, “But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” – Isa 59:2; cf John 9: th31. To the married, humility and honour must be accorded each spouse in order to avoid barriers to prayer. -1 Pet 3:1-7
  4. Arrogance: pride always goes before destruction [Prov 16:18]. A humility-deficient-prayer is already doomed! –cf Luk 18:11-12
  5. Profane Prayers: Let us now briefly discuss two very common, but detestable, forms of prayer.
  6. A Sinner Praying: the prayer of an unrepentant sinner is an abomination –Prov 28:9; John 9:31
  7. The Sinner’s Prayer: this widely accepted and practised prayer, despite its human origin, promises the naïve sinner of salvation in Christ. This is a first-class salvation scam and lacks Biblical proof.
To be saved one must Hear the gospel [Rom 10:17], Believe it [John 8:24], Repent [Acts 2:38], Confess faith in Christ [Acts 8:37], be Baptized [Acts 22:16], and be Faithful [Rev 2:10].

Practical Suggestions for Prayer

1. Make a prayer list
2. Organize your list
3. Have a proper schedule
4. Pray as a family
5. Pray fervently
6. Pray when discouraged and when happy
7. Pray persistently

Author: Obed Mortey

1. https://video.wvbs.org/video/the-truth-about-prayer/ Accessed on July 2, 2020 at 09:00GMT
2. Lexham Bible Dictionary

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