Discipline (training+behaving in a controlled way) is one of the core values every individual needs to be truly successful.
It is usually easy to discipline anyone at all but it is more difficult to discipline oneself. While discipline is good for every person,SELF-DISCIPLINE is inseparable from the things that lead to success.

Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do things you know you should do even when you do not want to........ Cambridge dict.

Self-discipline is what makes the difference between successful people and failures
Mastering others is great but mastering yourself is power.
Bigstock blog.
He wants to be the best singer in the world, yet he has no discipline to practice often and long
She usually makes new year resolutions....... Saying I will never do this thing again,........and it will not take much long to find her doing that same thing
I will always do this and that,......and it will not take  years or even months to find her discontinuing with what she has begun
The solution is SELF-DISCIPLINE and that will take away all excuses. No excuses.
"The first and best victory is to conquer yourself"


1.Know what you want(your ideal life)
And do your own thing. Do not do something because others are doing it.
2.Strive to be in the top 20% in your chosen career.
3.Accept the fact that you are starting with nothing and almost everyone starts out the same in life-with little or nothing.
You just need to work harder.
4.Hard work is the key
Overcome the natural tendency to cut corners and take easy way.
5.Appreciate and apply the great law of cause and effect.
If you do what other successful people do,over and over again, nothing can stop you from eventually enjoying the same rewards they do. Nature does not take sides.It is about the law of cause and effects.
To be continued.......

"will they not say that you are out of your mind? ??? 1 Cor 14:23

"will they not say that you are out of your mind? ??? 1 Cor 14:23

Isaiah 59:13-14  In transgressing and lying against the LORD, and departing away from our God...... conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.....
and for truth is fallen in the street....this can also be said of today's 'religious groups'.

So said the Prophet Jeremiah also,
Jeremiah 9:3  And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD.

Any Christian who who loves God will surely consider prayer to be a most essential evidence of love for God and right relationship with God. Since there are many abuses of Prayer one may pray and still not have assurance that God hears and accepts his or her petitions.

*How blessed we are*,
Christ has not left us to struggle in this *pool of confusion* surrounding prayers.

Prayer is one of the important subject Jesus Himself taught in the scriptures both in His sayings and Actions
Matthew 6:5-15  And when thou prayest, *thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are*: *for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets*, *that they may be seen of men*. *Verily I say unto you, They have their reward*.
*But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet,* *and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret;* *and thy Father which seeth in secret* *shall reward thee openly*.
*But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions,* *as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard* *for their much speaking*.
*Be not ye therefore like unto them*: *for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of*, *before ye ask him*.
*After this manner therefore pray ye*: to verse15
It is for us to model that prayer not to repeat it like our daily greetings

With his life, He also showed us how important prayer is. Usually he separated himself from his disciples and went to solitary place to pray

Luke 6:12, Matt14:23 matt26:36
All these examples show how important prayer is to the life of a christian and more to that how christians are to pray.
*Our prayers must follow the Biblical pattern, nothing less and nothing more*
*Be it your own private prayer or congregational prayer, it must follow the Biblical pattern*

If prayer is a communication between we and God, and it is, then we will consider how we approach God when praying-in humility and with reverence Heb 12:28

Some religious groups have succeeded in teaching others falsely, as if one must be in a certain mood when praying :one must be emotionally and physically enthusiastic, a lot of bodily activities, jumping, stomping, clapping, shouting, moving up and down...charismatic

We see this most often on our television stations how some claim to be praying: a whole lot of noise, clapping, stomping of foot, babbling(1st Cor 14:7-19) claiming to be speaking in tongues.
Nearer to us, we hear of such uproar in our neighbourhoods where such groups do not even allow people to rest in their homes, priding themselves in what is deceitfully called"prayer warriors"

Others abominably pray through Mary and some so called priests or prophets.

And you call that prayer?
I am  not against prayer but i am against the *dramatic performance of prayer*

God doesn't answer our prayers for how charismatic one must be,
By shouting, jumping, drumming, speaking in tongues(which has ceased actually), lying on the floor etc
Such are just hypocritical ways of praying. Jesus indicated matt6:5-8

Some also think to stand against the wiles of the devil, they must engage in this vigorous bodily activities forgetting that since we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, our prayer should  also not be about clapping and making noise. Jesus never taught that.
Ephe 6:12-18
Shows us that it takes, truth, breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, shield of faith,helmet of salvation, the sword of truth..

Making noise, and shouting and clapping and moving up and down as if God could not hear is the 'baalian' way where the prophets of baal cry aloud even to the point of cutting themselves with knives and lances, chanting... 1st Kings 18:22-37

You see to get your prayers answered or to stand against the wiles of the devil, is not about how vigorous you pray. It is about faith, sincerity with God, truth,  humility, love for one another, being forgiving (Gal 5:22-23)
2nd Chron. 7:14 makes it crystal clear" if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and healed their land"

Our faith is what counts James 1:6-10
Now to those who claim to pray in tongues, it is unfortunate how you missed the point
*the definition*-what and how tongues speaking is
*the delivery*-how one get to speak in tongues
*the design*-the purpose of tongues speaking
*the duration*-the period for it existence, all keeps the facts straight that tongues speaking has ceased and is no more as we now have the complete revelation of God's word (1stCor 13:8-13)
Please stop deceiving yourselves and pray intelligibly so that even when unbelievers come into your midst, they will not say 'you are out of your mind..'1stCor14:23



The misunderstanding or misinforming of devout men and women concerning some Biblical teachings has led to denominationalism,  which equals confusion which God is not the author (1st cor 14:33)

So is the teaching on miraculous gifts

While Pentecostals and charismatics and other protestant churches who are more enthused about these gifts would agree with the scriptures that it is not the possession of one or more of these miraculous gifts that will usher one into heaven 1st Corinthians 13,
Yet will not agree with the scriptures when it points out to them that there's no one who has these miraculous gifts today-which is the truth
so why is the begrudging when one speaks such truth?
The answer
Is the attitude of the itching ears 2nd Tim 4:3-4

Let's look at it along these four sub headings
 1.The definition of the miraculous gifts -the gifts enable the apostles and those to whom the apostles gave those gifts to do things that beat the laws of nature (which is the definition of a miracle)
For instance Jesus fed the five thousand men with five loaves and two fish. Mark 6:30-44 this is not naturally possible,
Jesus walked on the sea, restoring of withered hand.. ,the apostles(Acts 2) and some early believers(Acts 10,19,1st cor14) speaking in tongues they never learned Etc... These we know are not naturally possible
So that is miraculous

2. The delivery of those gifts
In other words how men got this gifts
I)  at the point of Holy Spirit baptism which was promised the apostles (Acts 1:4-8) which they received (Acts 2)
II) same thing happened in Cornelius' house as a  proof of the gentiles grafted into God's kingdom Acts 10:34-48
The other form of delivery is when the apostles laid their hands on some people Acts 6:6-8
Acts 19:1-6
Note those who received the gifts apart from the apostles could not transfer the gifts to third persons
Evidenced in Acts 8:14-18
As philip who was full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom(Acts 6:3) could not lay hand on these infant believers

3.The design of this spiritual gifts
In other words, the purpose of the gifts
Whichever thing God does has a purpose
Whichever miracle God does or allowed men to do has a purpose
Miracles Jesus did confirmed the sonship of Jesus John 20:31, Heb 2:3-4
Right from the beginning so it was, the intellectual God wrought miracles for very significant purposes
So the question is if the desired purpose is realised, is there still the continuation of such miracles?
The answer is a clear no
Raining of bread in Exodus 16 makes it crystal clear
Tell me that after the people entered the land and were no more in the wilderness,  God still rained bread
Then we too should wait such raining of bread
I don't doubt God's power
But I understand from the scriptures that He would not do it today because He did it then for a purpose

My conclusion on this point is that yes miraculous gifts were given in the early Church and it was for the confirmation of God's word which the apostles and Jesus Himself taught
Heb 2:1-4,
Ephesians 4:7-14
1st Corinthians 12,14

4.Now the duration of the gifts
The time limit for the exercise of those spiritual gifts
People usually use Heb 13:8 to support their argument that spiritual gifts is still in exercise like before since Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever,
Yes Jesus is the same but it doesn't mean what he did yesterday he will do the same of necessity today
He fed five thousand sometime ago
He would not do it today

All that the scriptures teach is that those gifts were but for some temporary duration for the purpose for which they came
After God's word was complete those gifts were gone
After the apostles and the second persons they gave those gifts to, died we have them no more
There's no record of transfer of those gifts up to our time today
1st Corinthians 13 discuss this topic which was once a controversy in the Corinthian church
Now verses 8-13 of this same chapter tells of the ceasing of those gifts
That which is perfect (complete) verse 10
James 2:25 that perfect Law of liberty
Which we must be the doers also not only listeners is THE WORD OF GOD
Cf Psalm 19:7
Then what next Paul the apostle pointed to a more excellent way at the close of 1st Corinthians 12

I. E concluded at the verse 13 of chapter 13
And now (as at now that the spiritual or miraculous gifts have ceased) abide faith,
These three, but the greatest is love (charity)

And so be faithful until death... Rev. 2:10
Love never fails
If we love one another, God abides in us... 1st John 4:12
....which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Col 1:27
We have the perfect knowledge and prophecy both in quantity and quality -the Bible
This what scriptures teaches
Let's speak as the oracles of God 1st Peter 4:11
The Churches of Christ salute you...
Please share
Any question send to


When the question is asked, would you want to become a Christian as were Paul, Peter and others of the New Testament?
Most of us will readily answer YES
But are not ready to come out of these institutional churches
We must have an unreserved commitment to the Bible as the sole, objective standard in religion. If three people differ as to the time of the day, they can settle their differences by consulting the objective time standard, the naval observatory time. Such settles the matter, and produces unity. If a man goes to three different post offices, he will be given the same postage for mailing of his package. Why?  Because each postal clerk consults the same guide book. Unity exists because of allegiance to a single objective authority. In like manner when all men will lay down their creeds, disciplines, manuals, confessions of faith, catechisms, think-so's, maybe's and subjective feelings and each with an unprejudiced and receptive heart turns to the word of God, then, and only then,  will unity result. Such will constitute the death knell to denominationalism. We must be committed to being nothing, calling ourselves nothing, obeying nothing, and saying nothing except that which is authorized by the word of God.
Only then will we have the "unity of the spirit" of Ephe4:1-6:
One body -unity of organisation
One Spirit -unity of guidance
One Hope-unity of aspiration
One faith-unity of message
One Lord - unity of authority
One baptism-unity of practice
And One God-unity of worship.
1. Denominationalism is contrary to the Lord's prayer(John 17:20,21)
2. Denominationalism is a fruitful cause of infidelity(John 17:20,21)
3. Denominationalism is wrong because Christ is not divided (1 Cor 1:11-13)
Denominationalism is wrong because the body of Christ is one, not many(1Cor 12:13,20 Ephe 2:15 Col 3:15)
Denominationalism is contrary to one of the basic purposes of calvary's cross (Eph 2:15,16)
Denominationalism is a vain attempt to serve God (matt 15:9,Psalm 127:1)
Denominationalism divides homes, when God wants homes united(Josh 24:15,Amos 3:3,Mark 3:25)
Denominationalism is contrary to Paul's plea for unity, for undenominational christianity(1 Cor 1:10)
Denominationalism is contrary to the apostles doctrine(Rom16:17,18)
Denominationalism is a sin that God hates(prov.6:6-19)
11. Denominationalism implies that God is the author of confusion(1Cor 14:33)
Denominationalism is not apostolic
Denominationalism is destined for destruction(mark 3:24,25)

The Church of Christ is not a denomination. If she were,  she would surrender her right to exist(matt 15:13)
Our Lord was undenominational and anti-denominational. His church cannot afford to be otherwise. Her plea is for pure, New Testament, Undenominational Christianity. And, how encouraging it is that many are being attracted thereto.



Long long ago, in the early Church, faithful Christians were seekers of the truth
People who wanted to hear nothing but the truth of God's word.
An evidence of such attitude is what we read in Acts 17:11 where brethren  searched scriptures to see if what Paul told them were so.
People who were persecuted for preaching the truth :
Some were burnt at stake
Others thrown into prisons and starved to death
Some stoned etc
Left to some people, the efforts of such truth seekers would profit nothing.
God forbid
Their efforts have produced some good and it will continue

Why do I call it legend of the seeker of truth
A legend is a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated

Yes, that is how so called Christians of today see  the complete gospel which is the power of God unto salvation. Rom 1:16. As for sound doctrine, it has no place. It is a matter of choice to practice whatever doctrine you like.

Seekers of truth

In the writings of the apostles, they spoke of Truth
The church is a pillar of truth 1Tim 3:15.
In contrast, people now don't need to know whether this or that church is a pillar of truth.
They only need where their worship will suit them

The Church of Christ as the Bible tells us, teaches the way of truth which some will not follow 2Pet 2:2, Eph 4:21,Mark 12:14

Paul, the  apostle writes to Timothy :
" they will turn their ears from the truth... 2 Tim 4:4, 2Thess 2:10
We see that most often on tvs, radio stations, in our surroundings
Such are those who have not paid heed to, "standing therefore, having guirded your waist with truth.... Eph 6:14
Self-seekers have and are still teaching us not to obey the truth Rom 2:8 they seek their own glory

🤔Majority attend churches where there is entertainment, jazz concerts (man-made organisations, not actually churches)
🤔We like to attend churches with great and magnificent edifices
🤔We like to attend churches where material gospel is being preached
🤔And I pity those leaders, who lead such people
They are full of pride and ignorance that there's no space left for them to learn

Yet we can still become seekers of truth
For I present to you the church Jesus established
John, the apostle says the truth will be with us for ever 2John 2
Walking in the truth was his greatest joy 3John 4

Do not yield submission even for an hour to this false brethren, just as the early saints did, so that the gospel truth may continue  Gal 2:5
Our Savior desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth 1Tim 2:4

🤔You See, throughout this writing,  I have consistently refer you to where the apostles spoke of truth. Why?
It is because when we know the truth, it will set us free. John8:31-32

And how can we know the truth?
By going back to the Bible and Bible only and leaving behind commandments of men.
The Holy Spirit guided the apostles to all truth John 16:13
God's  word is truth John17:17
We can only dwell in this truth if we obey His commandments  1John 2:4.
His commands  of
1.Hearing the gospel  Rom 10:17
2. Believing the gospel  John  3:16
3. Repenting from our sins Acts 17:30
4. Confessing Christ as son of God Acts 8:37
5.Being immersed (baptized) for the remission of sins Acts 2:38
6.Allowing God to add you to His Church Acts 2:47

Preach  the truth, only the truth
"For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth 2cor 13:8
when truth seekers keep quiet, lies dominate
And make the truth a legend
God bless you



One of the topics that Bible teaches which men,  out of their ignorance strongly resent is :


people don't like this topic because if they sincerely accept the Bible truth, they may end up leaving their man made churches which they love so much
And for that matter, they are okay with where they are than to accept that painful truth

Forgetting that the truth of scripture is only there to set them free John 8:32

Some people always say "are you trying to say your church is the only true Church?, are you the only people going to heaven?, so are you saying that denomination ,this denomination is wrong?
My brother, my sister,
Relax!  I don't have a church
Am only helping you to know the truth about the one true Church Christ established which you read in your scriptures but certain men have hidden the truth by compromising and saying "it doesn't matter the church you attend " 2 Pet 2:1-19, Rom16:18

Such one in the first place doesn't understand  the church in the Bible
Scriptures do not teach denominations but The Church

Some denominations say it the one-man churches that are wrong
Certain denominations also point at other denominations
You see Christ Church wasn't, isn't and shall never be a denomination

You have already accepted to become a denomination (a sect ) and so you're are finding means  to defend your doctrines of men. 1Tim 4:1-16,
2Tim 4:2-4

People usually say teaching about church is not necessary

Now that is false
Such a fellow would not be happy if I finish preaching the gospel to someone who believes, repents,confesses Christ and baptizes and I tell him to go to the church of Satan because they read Bible there.

Now You See the church matters
Philip preached things concerning the kingdom of God(the church,the ekklesia ) and Jesus Christ to the Samarians  and they believed and got baptized Acts 8:12

Those who talk of the local church and the universal church to spare denominations are not telling the truth
One church (local sense ) 1Tim 3:15.......the same church (universal sense) Matt16:18

Now to the so called men of God who claim to do God's work by establishing their own churches
Am afraid you have to reconsider that idea because it's not taught anywhere in the scriptures not even by the Apostles who were the foundation of the church Eph 2:20
If it were so Paul would have established his own denomination since his ministry was to the gentiles and Peter a different denomination since his ministry was to the  Jews
You see how wrong that idea sounds
Peter and Paul preach at different places and to different people in the same Church Christ established
1cor 3:11-14
Be careful they way you build on the foundation that has been laid down
Now Satan is using denominationalism to destroy what Christ has build
Note" he who does not learn the lessons of history is bound to repeat them"

The Bible teaches the one true Church
Matt 16:18
Ephesians 1:22-23
Colossians 1:18
Ephesians 4:4
Colonials 3:15
1cor 12:12,20
Of which you can become a part if you believe in that Christ died for our sins 1cor 15:3
And repents of your sins Act 17:30-31 and allow yourself to be baptized Mark 16:15,16,1Pet 3:21,Acts 2:38, 22:16
You don't need to choose to join the church, you don't need to be voted into the church, you don't need to pass any exams, you don't need anyone to confirm you
God will automatically add you to His Church Acts 2:47
Romans 16:16


1.Jesus did not say, "make believers "
A person may have some sort of belief but never become a disciple
2. Jesus does not say "make worshippers " People may give prayers and offerings without being disciples .

🙏🏻 Jesus commands "make disciples " That term, as commonly used at that time means, train learners who are committed to following their teachers instruction and example
Jesus reinforces the meaning of continuing learning by saying "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you "

Some refer to Matt 28:20 as the second half of the Great Commission .It may seem more difficult to fulfill,  but it is essential for spiritual health as you grow up in your salvation
Hearing and obeying Christ is the air true disciples breath
To stop breathing that air is to cease being a disciple

When a person at any point in time fails to follow what Christ laid down in the Great Commission, disobeys Christ.

Now to you those who call yourselves Christians (disciples) who have not been baptized in to Christ are not Christians

Those who say the sinners  prayer after believing aren't disciples

Those who are continuing in man-made churches and teachings are not Christians

Just as as the natural birth makes a person legitimate member of the family, so the spiritual birth of water and the spirit (John3:3-6)
Makes one a legitimate member of the spiritual family, God's church

Reconsider Matt 28:18-20

You can still be a Christian
Hear the Gospel   Rom 10:17 1st cor 15:2-5
Believe the gospel John 3:16, 20:30,31
Repent Luke 13:3,24:46,47
Confess Christ Rom10:9,10, Acts 8:7
Be baptized Acts 2:38 22:16 Mark 16:15,16 1st Peter 3:21 Gal 3:27


This is what I was taught one evening at a meeting with brethren
Meaning, things that makes us behave the way we do
They are
3. Convenience
when behave base on this 4
We meet both advantages and disadvantages
However, the class ended with the greater emphasis on having the right conviction for our behavior
We as Christians should be convinced rightly (base on God's word) in every thing we do.

And so I would like to talk more about CONVICTION

why is it that as Christians, some people are more passionate about preach the gospel than others
Some will travel moon and back all for the purpose of the Gospel of Jesus Christ

The distinguishing factor is having the Right CONVICTION
Are you doing God's work because it's convenient for you?
Are you doing doing God's will out of constraint?
Are you worshiping God out of compulsion ?

Now let's see what the scriptures say
Phil 1:14-16
14 And many of the brethren in the Lord, waxing confident by my bonds,  are much more bold to speak the word without fear
15 Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife :and some also of good will............

You see some preach Christ though, but are not convicted
And so they are doing it out of envy
Those who do it out of good will are those who are rightly convinced

We should be rightly convinced that Christ died for our sins 1st cor 15:3
And has asked us to tell this good news to the world Matt 28:18-20
This is why we do evangelism
It's out of our conviction

Visit any Church of Christ around you
Rom 16:16


(from John C. Maxwell's book:Talent Is Never Enough, Discover the choices that will take you beyond your Talent)

There is no even a single person created by God Almighty who has not got talent. 1st Cor 7:7
We all have equal value,  but not equal giftedness. Some(most of us)  have few talents whereas others(usually a few)  have multitude of talent.

In both cases(i.e few talents or more), talent is not success. Talent does not mean success.
There are talented people who are successful in their fields but there are also even more talented people who have failed (are not successful) in their fields.

Talent promises, your choices guarantees.
Anyone can make choices that will add value to talent.
These are the thirteen key choices that can be made to maximize your talent and ensures your success.

1. Belief lifts your talent.
Believe in yourself and the talent God has given you.

2. Passion energizes your talent.
It is more important than a plan. It provides fuel. As long as passion is there,  it does not matter if one fails and how many times he fall.

3. Initiative activates your talent.
Do not wait for everything to be perfect to move forward. Do not wait until the fear subside. Take initiative!  Gather the momentum, and take the first step, you will realise things becoming a little easier. You have to take those first steps.

4. Focus directs your talent.
Focus does not come naturaly to us, yet it is essential for to make most of your talent.
Talent without focus is as making plenty movement but not knowing which direction to go.
Talent with focus directs you and has the potential to take you far.

5. Preparation positions your talent.
Being unprepared puts you out of position. Preparation positions you correctly, and it is the separation between winning and losing.
Remember, the motto: "All is well that begins well".

6. Practice sharpens your talent
You play at the level at which you practice. Consistently good practice leads to consistently good play. Value practice and develop the discipline to do it. PRACTICE:a little bit more.

7. Perseverance sustains your talent.
Perseverance is not an issue of talent. It is not an issue an issue of time. It is about finishing. Talent provides hope for accomplishment,  but perseverance guarantees it.
Perseverance is the staying power.

8. Courage tests your talent.
Courage is not required only in times of extreme danger or stress. Courage is an everyday virtue. You can do nothing worthwhile without courage. If you exhibit courage you are able to live without regrets.

9. Teachability expands your talent.
If you are a highly talented person, you may have a tough time with teachability. Because talented people often think they know it all. Teachability(able to allow another person with or without your talent to teach you). Teachability is the desire to listen, learn, and apply. It is the hunger to discover and grow. It is the willingness to learn, unlearn, and relearn.

10. Character protects your talent.
Absence of strong character eventually topples talent. Why?  Because  you cannot climb beyond the limitations of your character. Talented people are sometimes tempted to take shortcuts.......character prevents that. Talented people may feel superior and suspect special privileges.........character helps them to know better.etc.
Talented people are often a gift to the world.Character protects that gift.

11. Relationships influence your talent
Nothing will influence your talent as much as the important relationships in your life. Surround yourself sith people who add value  to you and encourage you, and your talent will go in a positive direction. People can trace the successes and failures in their lives to their most significant relationships. BE WARE OF THIS.

12. Responsibility strengthens your talent.
Nothing adds "muscle" to talent like responsibility. It lifts talent to a new level and increases its stamina. How sad for the person who fails to take responsibility. If you desire success,  make responsibility your choice.

13. Teamwork multiplies your talent.
It does not matter how talented you may be-you have gaps. But together with your teammates you have no gaps. There are things you do not do well do well. The best way to handle your weaknesses?  Partner with others who have strengths in those areas. If you want to do something really big, then do it as part of a team.

The greatest leader of all times spoke of this concept in his treasured book:The Holy Bible,  the parable of the talents. Matt 25:14-30
It can be implied that the one who received the five and the one who received the two talents realised that talent (alone)  is never enough. So they worked had to multiply their talents. The work they did by inferrence is the thirteen choices you have to make to be productive with your talent. On the other hand, like the one-talent man who did not invest what he received you will be a failure if you do not make good choices to maximize your talent.
REMEMBER , you also have a talent. Talent is never enough. Fulfill God's purpose(Isaiah 43:7) by being a talent- plus person

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John C. Maxwell- Talent is never enough

Let's Go Planting 5 million Trees In 1 Day

 "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 7 So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gi...