Judges 17: 6 Back in those days, Israel didn’t yet have a king, so each person did whatever seemed right in his own opinion.(International Standard Version, ISV)
The above verse from the book of Judges tells of what transpired during the period of the Judges in Israel. This verse is employed for the purpose of this discussion. Reading this verse usually does not only inform me on the history of the Israel nation but also makes me imagine the kind of community they lived in then.
Considering this verse, it will not take one far to identify a striking similitude between what happened in Israel in those days and what is going on in Christendom today; where everybody practice what he thinks the Bible is saying. And obviously, the result is not different from what it was then in the case of the Israelites i.e False Religion.
It is sad how people often come to conclusions like" it's okay for you to believe what you believe, so allow me to believe what I also believe " when some of their practices are questioned. This is a clear indication of the level to which relativism has permeated Christianity.
What then is this disease of relativism?
Relativism is the belief that there is no absolute truth. Relativists think that people can have different views about what is moral or immoral. Supposing, a question is asked; "is it okay to commit suicide?"[a]
To the relativists, the answer could be 'yes' or 'no' in relation to an individual's opinion or belief, or culture.
Relativity states that even time and space are relative concepts depending on where an observer happens to be........Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
Isn't it true what Paul told Timothy? ITim 6:20; O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.
Relativism has been sold to us under several guises.
For instance moral relativism which asserts that there is no universal or absolute set of moral principles. That is to mean bribery is okay in some cultures or societies.[b] There are so many facets of relativism including global relativism which states that all things are relative.
One would consider the above given examples; (a) and (b) as extremes but that's what it is in reality. How many times haven't we heard the question "who am I to judge?", when discussing issues concerning salvation.
A similar one which is also often asked is;
Who are you to condemn me?
The lack of understanding of certain verses in scriptures coupled with relativistic mindset has made it difficult to speak about the one objective truth presented to us in the scriptures. cf Eph 4:4-5.
Defenders of relativism would suggest to you that relativism helps to tolerate others and also allow for diversity. Which is not true at all. What if an individual also thinks that intolerance is good based on his relative views?
Also,diversity does not erase the fact that there is an independent and absolute truth. Well, if it will only be applied outside the Bible, I have no problem. But if we are going to apply relativism to the Bible, then we would be in trouble. This is because for relativism; every sort of interpretation is true depending on the angle where the interpreter is reasoning from. Likewise, the true interpretation could be false to one, depending on where one is observing the particular subject understudy from.
What is the point?
The point is, it is because we think every denomination is right with whichever interpretation of the scriptures, that is why we don't have one interpretation and for that matter one truth.
But let me state it emphatically that the Bible present only one absolute truth and it interpretation is one. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints I Cor 14:33
which denomination's interpretation is the absolute truth?
The answer is easy to find if we do not have names of denominations in our minds, for no denomination is better than the other. For every denomination is trying to keep some part of the truth. The question is why not all the truth?
One has to disentangle himself from denominations and seek to be a Christian and Christian only in Christ's Church.
Then with diligent study of Gods word 2Tim 2:15, one will finally come to the truth. John 8:32 .The truth can be known. Being in search for Truth is not a an hour or a day's job. It is a lifetime duty of the Christian who seeks the crown above. We must study and apply good hermeneutical principles.
Let us give up the relativistic mindset otherwise we will never come to know that one objective truth.
Let me also make it clear that I'm not however, an espouser for those who claim that their denomination has the authority to establish what the truth is. Neither do I speak of any magisterium, or any one single person who claims to have the truth.
I believe that with non denominational, non relativistic and sincere and obedient hearts we can come to knowledge of the truth of every topic pertaining to our salvation. Acts 2:44; And all that believed were together, and had all things in common;
Note that, it is not the problem of not understanding the scriptures but the unwillingness to accept objective truth is the problem. And so yet again, we cannot blame God.
To be continued........
The Holy Spirit and interpretation
Sense of Responsibility
A Jewish story was told of a young man called Elazar who was so immoral. He would move from the doorstep of one prostitute to the other. One day he went into the chambers of one prostitute who told him;"Elazar, you're beyond salvation and will not enter the world to come"
The statement pricked his heart and he became remorseful. He prayed to the mountains and hills to ask God to forgive him his sinful deeds. But they replied that they cannot help him. He turned to heaven and earth to ask God's pardon for him. But they also replied in like manner. He again turned to the sun and Moon to ask God's forgiveness for him. They replied "we are sorry, we cannot do that for you. You have to do it yourself"
Finally, he turned to the stars and the sky, hoping to receive a better response but it was the same story. They too could not offer him any help.
Elazar was disappointed but soon came to himself and said " I'm responsible for all that I did, it is all my fault." Suddenly Elazar heard a voice from above, saying "you shall come into the world to come because you have repented"
Lessons from this short story
The reason behind Elazar asking the mountains and hills to intervene for him is that he felt they are responsible for his immoral upbringing. The mountains and hills in the story represent parents. He was really thinking "it was my parents' fault that I turned out like this. They didn't discipline me enough, they didn't have time to invest in me, they spoiled me" But his plea was rejected by the heavenly court.
To further defend his wrongful actions, he turned to heaven and earth, both symbolizing the society in which he was raised. "It was the society I grew up in, my friends, my school, everybody was doing it and that is why I behaved the way I did. It is not my fault." This defense was also rejected.
He tried again and turned to the sun and Moon both symbols of affluence." It was the glitz and glam of how I grew up. There was so much emphasis on the material world, I could not escape it. But it's not my fault we were kids are raised with a different value system." This excuse was also not accepted.
His last defense was to blame the cosmos, "it was my destiny to be how I am. If I had been born under a different astrological sign, I would have had a chance. But the heavenly court did not accept this defense either.
After crying so deeply about his helpless situation, he managed to find little strength to look inward to himself. He realized that he couldn't shift the blame to anyone else. " it's all my fault " he admitted. "I'm the only one truly responsible for my behavior" And in that moment he gained the chance to enter the world to come. (
This is the behavior of many of us. We always find people to be responsible for our mistakes and troubles. We always blame other people for our failures. It is never our fault but someone else's. Until we find the courage to accept our fault and take responsibility, we are going to remain in our deplorable state eternally. But let's learn from Elazar; look within ourselves and accept our shortcomings and make amends.
The statement pricked his heart and he became remorseful. He prayed to the mountains and hills to ask God to forgive him his sinful deeds. But they replied that they cannot help him. He turned to heaven and earth to ask God's pardon for him. But they also replied in like manner. He again turned to the sun and Moon to ask God's forgiveness for him. They replied "we are sorry, we cannot do that for you. You have to do it yourself"
Finally, he turned to the stars and the sky, hoping to receive a better response but it was the same story. They too could not offer him any help.
Elazar was disappointed but soon came to himself and said " I'm responsible for all that I did, it is all my fault." Suddenly Elazar heard a voice from above, saying "you shall come into the world to come because you have repented"
Lessons from this short story
The reason behind Elazar asking the mountains and hills to intervene for him is that he felt they are responsible for his immoral upbringing. The mountains and hills in the story represent parents. He was really thinking "it was my parents' fault that I turned out like this. They didn't discipline me enough, they didn't have time to invest in me, they spoiled me" But his plea was rejected by the heavenly court.
To further defend his wrongful actions, he turned to heaven and earth, both symbolizing the society in which he was raised. "It was the society I grew up in, my friends, my school, everybody was doing it and that is why I behaved the way I did. It is not my fault." This defense was also rejected.
He tried again and turned to the sun and Moon both symbols of affluence." It was the glitz and glam of how I grew up. There was so much emphasis on the material world, I could not escape it. But it's not my fault we were kids are raised with a different value system." This excuse was also not accepted.
His last defense was to blame the cosmos, "it was my destiny to be how I am. If I had been born under a different astrological sign, I would have had a chance. But the heavenly court did not accept this defense either.
After crying so deeply about his helpless situation, he managed to find little strength to look inward to himself. He realized that he couldn't shift the blame to anyone else. " it's all my fault " he admitted. "I'm the only one truly responsible for my behavior" And in that moment he gained the chance to enter the world to come. (
This is the behavior of many of us. We always find people to be responsible for our mistakes and troubles. We always blame other people for our failures. It is never our fault but someone else's. Until we find the courage to accept our fault and take responsibility, we are going to remain in our deplorable state eternally. But let's learn from Elazar; look within ourselves and accept our shortcomings and make amends.
Continue reading on self-discipline and responsibility
A program that was recently aired on Joynews TV channel dubbed "your belief, my doubts" caught my attention. The program which highlighted on some teachings in Scripture which are understood or applied if not oppositely, perhaps differently in different churches, got me thinking about why we have same Scriptures with a unified theme, which we all claim to use, yet arrived at such dichotomy of doctrines. These teachings which include baptism, tithing, miracles, salvation, day of worship are strongly debated due to the fact that different individuals and churches have interpreted some part of scriptures erroneously. Meanwhile, our salvation depends on our understanding of the Bible. Cf Acts 8:30, 31-38
If the Bible were any ordinary book, novel, or biography, I would not have taken pains to write this extract since this differences in understanding appears to be a common thing among people. However, the Bible is a DIVINE BOOK, A HOLY BOOK which claims inspiration (2Pet 1:20, 2Tim 3:16) and does not contradict itself. The Bible declared in; Eph 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
A program that was recently aired on Joynews TV channel dubbed "your belief, my doubts" caught my attention. The program which highlighted on some teachings in Scripture which are understood or applied if not oppositely, perhaps differently in different churches, got me thinking about why we have same Scriptures with a unified theme, which we all claim to use, yet arrived at such dichotomy of doctrines. These teachings which include baptism, tithing, miracles, salvation, day of worship are strongly debated due to the fact that different individuals and churches have interpreted some part of scriptures erroneously. Meanwhile, our salvation depends on our understanding of the Bible. Cf Acts 8:30, 31-38
If the Bible were any ordinary book, novel, or biography, I would not have taken pains to write this extract since this differences in understanding appears to be a common thing among people. However, the Bible is a DIVINE BOOK, A HOLY BOOK which claims inspiration (2Pet 1:20, 2Tim 3:16) and does not contradict itself. The Bible declared in; Eph 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
Yet unfortunately, many do not recognize this truth but have managed to accept and influence others that it is okay to have these dichotomies. Only a few sincere people appreciate the fact that we must belong to the one Church, have the same teachings, practice the same teachings, and be called by the same name.
.......... and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. John 10:16And;
I Cor1:10 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.
It is certain that the result of different interpretations of some parts of the scriptures is the existence of many different denominations. And the very existence of these sects will continue to breed all kinds of false and heterogeneous doctrines.
These discrepancies produce in the minds of people the convictions that the Bible does not speak clearly and that one person's interpretation is just as good as as someone else's. There are three causes of this doctrinal confusion which I suggest;
It is certain that the result of different interpretations of some parts of the scriptures is the existence of many different denominations. And the very existence of these sects will continue to breed all kinds of false and heterogeneous doctrines.
These discrepancies produce in the minds of people the convictions that the Bible does not speak clearly and that one person's interpretation is just as good as as someone else's. There are three causes of this doctrinal confusion which I suggest;
1. The disease of denominationalism
2. The disease of relativism
3. The misunderstanding of the role of the Holy Spirit in interpretation.
4. Missing the lesson on the authority of the Bible; Which is authoritative in this Christian dispensation, Old Testament or New Testament?
4. Missing the lesson on the authority of the Bible; Which is authoritative in this Christian dispensation, Old Testament or New Testament?
Let us examine these causes one after the other:
The Bible teaches that Christ purchased the Church with his own blood(Acts 20:28), He is the Savior of his church(Eph 5:23) and all who are saved are in His church(Act 2:41,47) Contrary to that we have taken upon ourselves various names to distinct us from others; charismatic churches, Pentecostal churches, Catholics, Lutherans, Methodist, Presbyterians, Adventist etc. The very thing Paul condemned saying 12 Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.
13 Is Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were ye baptized in the name of Paul? 1st cor 1:12-13. Multiplying denominational churches is never expansion of the Kingdom of Christ. To expand the Kingdom is to preach Christ and to make disciples into his church. Matt 28:18-20
Some people hide behind verses like this to teach that denominations are biblical. 5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. ROM 12:5
Taking into account the background and context of this verse reveals that Paul was not speaking of denominations but members(individuals, persons) of the same first century Church of the Christ. Pride and covetousness has turned many people into CEOs of churches. Here we are, with different interpretations which in many cases are false.
But who are you to say another persons interpretation of a text is false since we all hail from different master's: "Apollos, Paul, Cephas, and Christ" Let not the denomination in which you are deceive you into thinking that every interpretation whatever be it is truth. Just as we have the broad way which leads to destruction and the narrow way which leads to life. Mat 7:13-14.
Likewise, we have true interpretation and a false one. Depending which ever interpretation one has, will show if he is giving true worship or false worship. (John 4:24) And if your worship is false you will suffer loss.
To be continued with the disease of RELATIVISM
Taking into account the background and context of this verse reveals that Paul was not speaking of denominations but members(individuals, persons) of the same first century Church of the Christ. Pride and covetousness has turned many people into CEOs of churches. Here we are, with different interpretations which in many cases are false.
But who are you to say another persons interpretation of a text is false since we all hail from different master's: "Apollos, Paul, Cephas, and Christ" Let not the denomination in which you are deceive you into thinking that every interpretation whatever be it is truth. Just as we have the broad way which leads to destruction and the narrow way which leads to life. Mat 7:13-14.
Likewise, we have true interpretation and a false one. Depending which ever interpretation one has, will show if he is giving true worship or false worship. (John 4:24) And if your worship is false you will suffer loss.
I Cor 3:14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.
To be continued with the disease of RELATIVISM
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