On last Sunday, while on my way to Kumasi I found myself sitting close to two children (very young girls). As innocent and friendly children generally are, they became my friends after we recited a few rhymes they learned at school; we ate fruits together, we laughed and cracked jokes. These little new friends became so happy that now when I got to my destination, they did not want to let go of me. I had to take time assure them I would come and look for them though I did not know which part of Kumasi they were going. I finally dropped my contact with them and alighted at my destination. I realized how badly these young girls did want us to part ways, even for this short time we became friends. I believe some us might have had such experience before; where we met people just within a period of a day or less and we became friends and we did not want them to leave us or we did not want to leave or lose them.
As we reflect on these experience, how much more do we feel leaving or losing people we have known and friended all of our lives? Some: our parents, spouses, grandparents, aunties, uncles, siblings, cousins, classmates, very good friends etc.
For many people these holidays (from Xmas to new year) are a time of joy, a time of family and friends and food but for others, a time of sadness-due to the loss of a loved one through illnesses or diseases, accidents of various forms, natural disasters etc. Others also lost loved ones through divorce, conflicts etc.
These holydays become very difficult and especially so for people who have lost their spouses, children who have lost one or both parents, friends who have lost best friends because they are directly impacted by those who they have lost. Some passed unnoticed by those not directly impacted. The grief increases or is revived and memories resurrect during these times because usually these are times of celebration, joy and family fellowships.
For some, it is their first time of losing a loved one hence the loneliness alone (Psalms 102:1-11) could lead to depression, despair and despondence. For the above reason, I chose not write about how to end the year and how to make new year resolutions but to remember our loved ones who have gone before us.
The idea is not to pray in any special way for those who have died in the last two years (2018) or this year that is just ending (2019) or for their souls as some religious organisations do.
However, to remember who they were, the values they lived for, the impact the made on our lives, the duties or dreams they left unfinished and most especially their families and friends they have left behind.
As we receive this new year (2020) with joy and resolve, let us not forget to bear one another’s burden and so fulfil the law of Christ. Gal 6:2, Rom 12:15. Let us do these simple acts for the families and friends of our colleagues that have gone before us;
Let us visit those we know have lost a loved one. Our presence alone may give them some comfort.
Let us ask them specific questions to know what help they need from us.
Let us talk to the person about the loved one they lost. This will bring some good memories and relief.
Let us ask them to keep to prayer in such times. James 5:13 and the Lord will hear their prayers Psalms 102:17 and strengthen them Psalms 27:14
Let us encourage them to fellowship with brethren.
Let us encourage and direct them to the Scriptures that through patience and comfort of Scriptures they might have hope. Rom 15:4. Usually, the Psalms are identified with our emotions and griefs. Psalms 102:18.
Let us encourage them to sing our hymns; it is well with my soul, farther along, what a friend we in Jesus, sweet by and by, in a little while we’re going home, this world is not my home etc. Act 16:25, Col 3:15-16. Eph 5:19-20.
Dear reader, if you are going through some pain due to the loss of a loved one, as we enter a new year, I would like to assure you that it is better to choose to go on with life than to burry your heart in sorrow or grief. May the God of all mercies and comforts comfort you in such times. 2Cor 1:3-4 knowing this 1Thess 4:13-14.
My exhortation is; let us make life altering decisions which have eternal consequences this new year.
Hear the gospel……………. Jn 6:44-46; 12:48
Believe the gospel…………Act 16:31, Heb 11:6
Repent from a life of sin and turn to the lord………. Acts 17:27-30, Lk 13:3
Confess Christ………………………. Rom 10:9-10, Acts 8:29-39
Be baptised into Christ (his body –the church) ……………. Acts 2:36-42; 22:16
Be faithful until death…………. Rev 2:10
In remembrance of Stella Quayson, Bro. Kofi Tawiah, Bernard Amponsah, Akosua Oparebea, Oswald Affum and all my loved ones who have gone before us.
Visit any church of Christ in your neighbourhood for worship and further studies. God bless you.
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