Long long ago, in the early Church, faithful Christians were seekers of the truth
People who wanted to hear nothing but the truth of God's word.
An evidence of such attitude is what we read in Acts 17:11 where brethren searched scriptures to see if what Paul told them were so.
People who were persecuted for preaching the truth :
Some were burnt at stake
Others thrown into prisons and starved to death
Some stoned etc
Left to some people, the efforts of such truth seekers would profit nothing.
God forbid
Their efforts have produced some good and it will continue
Why do I call it legend of the seeker of truth
A legend is a traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but not authenticated
Yes, that is how so called Christians of today see the complete gospel which is the power of God unto salvation. Rom 1:16. As for sound doctrine, it has no place. It is a matter of choice to practice whatever doctrine you like.
Seekers of truth
In the writings of the apostles, they spoke of Truth
The church is a pillar of truth 1Tim 3:15.
In contrast, people now don't need to know whether this or that church is a pillar of truth.
They only need where their worship will suit them
The Church of Christ as the Bible tells us, teaches the way of truth which some will not follow 2Pet 2:2, Eph 4:21,Mark 12:14
Paul, the apostle writes to Timothy :
" they will turn their ears from the truth... 2 Tim 4:4, 2Thess 2:10
We see that most often on tvs, radio stations, in our surroundings
Such are those who have not paid heed to, "standing therefore, having guirded your waist with truth.... Eph 6:14
Self-seekers have and are still teaching us not to obey the truth Rom 2:8 they seek their own glory
🤔Majority attend churches where there is entertainment, jazz concerts (man-made organisations, not actually churches)
🤔We like to attend churches with great and magnificent edifices
🤔We like to attend churches where material gospel is being preached
🤔And I pity those leaders, who lead such people
They are full of pride and ignorance that there's no space left for them to learn
Yet we can still become seekers of truth
For I present to you the church Jesus established
John, the apostle says the truth will be with us for ever 2John 2
Walking in the truth was his greatest joy 3John 4
Do not yield submission even for an hour to this false brethren, just as the early saints did, so that the gospel truth may continue Gal 2:5
Our Savior desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth 1Tim 2:4
🤔You See, throughout this writing, I have consistently refer you to where the apostles spoke of truth. Why?
It is because when we know the truth, it will set us free. John8:31-32
And how can we know the truth?
By going back to the Bible and Bible only and leaving behind commandments of men.
The Holy Spirit guided the apostles to all truth John 16:13
God's word is truth John17:17
We can only dwell in this truth if we obey His commandments 1John 2:4.
His commands of
1.Hearing the gospel Rom 10:17
2. Believing the gospel John 3:16
3. Repenting from our sins Acts 17:30
4. Confessing Christ as son of God Acts 8:37
5.Being immersed (baptized) for the remission of sins Acts 2:38
6.Allowing God to add you to His Church Acts 2:47
Preach the truth, only the truth
"For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth 2cor 13:8
when truth seekers keep quiet, lies dominate
And make the truth a legend
God bless you
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