The misunderstanding or misinforming of devout men and women concerning some Biblical teachings has led to denominationalism, which equals confusion which God is not the author (1st cor 14:33)
So is the teaching on miraculous gifts
While Pentecostals and charismatics and other protestant churches who are more enthused about these gifts would agree with the scriptures that it is not the possession of one or more of these miraculous gifts that will usher one into heaven 1st Corinthians 13,
Yet will not agree with the scriptures when it points out to them that there's no one who has these miraculous gifts today-which is the truth
so why is the begrudging when one speaks such truth?
The answer
Is the attitude of the itching ears 2nd Tim 4:3-4
Let's look at it along these four sub headings
1.The definition of the miraculous gifts -the gifts enable the apostles and those to whom the apostles gave those gifts to do things that beat the laws of nature (which is the definition of a miracle)
For instance Jesus fed the five thousand men with five loaves and two fish. Mark 6:30-44 this is not naturally possible,
Jesus walked on the sea, restoring of withered hand.. ,the apostles(Acts 2) and some early believers(Acts 10,19,1st cor14) speaking in tongues they never learned Etc... These we know are not naturally possible
So that is miraculous
2. The delivery of those gifts
In other words how men got this gifts
I) at the point of Holy Spirit baptism which was promised the apostles (Acts 1:4-8) which they received (Acts 2)
II) same thing happened in Cornelius' house as a proof of the gentiles grafted into God's kingdom Acts 10:34-48
The other form of delivery is when the apostles laid their hands on some people Acts 6:6-8
Acts 19:1-6
Note those who received the gifts apart from the apostles could not transfer the gifts to third persons
Evidenced in Acts 8:14-18
As philip who was full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom(Acts 6:3) could not lay hand on these infant believers
3.The design of this spiritual gifts
In other words, the purpose of the gifts
Whichever thing God does has a purpose
Whichever miracle God does or allowed men to do has a purpose
Miracles Jesus did confirmed the sonship of Jesus John 20:31, Heb 2:3-4
Right from the beginning so it was, the intellectual God wrought miracles for very significant purposes
So the question is if the desired purpose is realised, is there still the continuation of such miracles?
The answer is a clear no
Raining of bread in Exodus 16 makes it crystal clear
Tell me that after the people entered the land and were no more in the wilderness, God still rained bread
Then we too should wait such raining of bread
I don't doubt God's power
But I understand from the scriptures that He would not do it today because He did it then for a purpose
My conclusion on this point is that yes miraculous gifts were given in the early Church and it was for the confirmation of God's word which the apostles and Jesus Himself taught
Heb 2:1-4,
Ephesians 4:7-14
1st Corinthians 12,14
4.Now the duration of the gifts
The time limit for the exercise of those spiritual gifts
People usually use Heb 13:8 to support their argument that spiritual gifts is still in exercise like before since Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever,
Yes Jesus is the same but it doesn't mean what he did yesterday he will do the same of necessity today
He fed five thousand sometime ago
He would not do it today
All that the scriptures teach is that those gifts were but for some temporary duration for the purpose for which they came
After God's word was complete those gifts were gone
After the apostles and the second persons they gave those gifts to, died we have them no more
There's no record of transfer of those gifts up to our time today
1st Corinthians 13 discuss this topic which was once a controversy in the Corinthian church
Now verses 8-13 of this same chapter tells of the ceasing of those gifts
That which is perfect (complete) verse 10
James 2:25 that perfect Law of liberty
Which we must be the doers also not only listeners is THE WORD OF GOD
Cf Psalm 19:7
Then what next Paul the apostle pointed to a more excellent way at the close of 1st Corinthians 12
I. E concluded at the verse 13 of chapter 13
And now (as at now that the spiritual or miraculous gifts have ceased) abide faith,
These three, but the greatest is love (charity)
And so be faithful until death... Rev. 2:10
Love never fails
If we love one another, God abides in us... 1st John 4:12
....which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Col 1:27
We have the perfect knowledge and prophecy both in quantity and quality -the Bible
This what scriptures teaches
Let's speak as the oracles of God 1st Peter 4:11
The Churches of Christ salute you...
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Any question send to kasmakose@gmail.com.
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