Discipline (training+behaving in a controlled way) is one of the core values every individual needs to be truly successful.
It is usually easy to discipline anyone at all but it is more difficult to discipline oneself. While discipline is good for every person,SELF-DISCIPLINE is inseparable from the things that lead to success.

Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do things you know you should do even when you do not want to........ Cambridge dict.

Self-discipline is what makes the difference between successful people and failures
Mastering others is great but mastering yourself is power.
Bigstock blog.
He wants to be the best singer in the world, yet he has no discipline to practice often and long
She usually makes new year resolutions....... Saying I will never do this thing again,........and it will not take much long to find her doing that same thing
I will always do this and that,......and it will not take  years or even months to find her discontinuing with what she has begun
The solution is SELF-DISCIPLINE and that will take away all excuses. No excuses.
"The first and best victory is to conquer yourself"


1.Know what you want(your ideal life)
And do your own thing. Do not do something because others are doing it.
2.Strive to be in the top 20% in your chosen career.
3.Accept the fact that you are starting with nothing and almost everyone starts out the same in life-with little or nothing.
You just need to work harder.
4.Hard work is the key
Overcome the natural tendency to cut corners and take easy way.
5.Appreciate and apply the great law of cause and effect.
If you do what other successful people do,over and over again, nothing can stop you from eventually enjoying the same rewards they do. Nature does not take sides.It is about the law of cause and effects.
To be continued.......

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