Some folks say," I believe in Jesus so what does it really matter what I think about the Bible?"But it does matter says the Bible 2nd Tim3:16. It matters greatly what you believe about the Bible! Jesus himself will not let you make false distinction between his person and his word. He often quoted the Scriptures as originating with God the Father (Matt 19:4-5). When the Pharisees tried to replace God's commandment in the Law of Moses with their own tradition, he accused them of making void the word of God (Mark 7:13)
Now listen to Jesus' strongest statement about the complete trustworthiness of the Bible"THE SCRIPTURE CANNOT BE BROKEN" John 10:35. Since Scripture cannot be broken, an appeal to Scriptures is final; it cannot be challenged or disproved or denied.
So what does the Scripture says about RAPTURE?
AIM OF STUDY:To refute the false teachings on Rapture.
INTRODUCTION: Some religious groups have many false propositions on these concept, but Biblical teachings on Eschatology differ from their teachings.
What is rapture?
Rapture is defined as the secret taking of the saints before the second coming of Christ.
Many believe that the saints will be taken up in to heaven SECRETLY, and come back with Christ and rule on earth with Christ for thousand years (1,000).
During this period the battle of Armageddon would be fought, a second repentance would be given. Actually, there are so many extensions of this concept of rapture among it teachers and believers
Rapture did not occur at all in the Bible;KJV,NKJV,NIV and other modern translation of the Bible.Historically, it was not in existence until 1500A.D ,came to stand for the SECRET snatching up to heaven. Many have been too foolish to set dates and time for it occurrence and were found liars. Prov 30:6
The teaching on rapture comes from the misunderstanding of 1st Thess 4:13-18,(which talks about the second coming of the lord Jesus), Matthew 24, Mark 13,Luke 21(which discuss the destruction of Jerusalem).The latter point will be discussed into details in another article. However, you should know that the prophecy on the destruction of Jerusalem does not endorse rapture.
know that all the events regarding the second coming of Christ will be fulfilled in one Day
1.According to 1 Thess 4:13-18, there will be no rapture or secret taking of the saints.
2.Christ second coming will be audible 1 Thess 4:16.
The resurrection and the judgement will take place simultaneously John 5:28-29.
3. There will be no second chance Heb 9:27
4.It is not now that some special Antichrist will be coming but Antichrist has been the world since the time John wrote.1John2:18-20, 4:1-3
5. The battle of Armageddon is not physical or nuclear war Rev 16:16-22
6.Christ's kingdom has existed since A.D 33 (col1:13)
7.The earth will melt with fervent heat 1 pet 3:9-12
8.Christ will not set His foot on this earth again not to talk of coming to rule on this earth for 1'000 years.1Thess 4:17.
On this note I urge you to resolve from this error and be free John 8:32.
God is not the author of confusion 1 cor14:33
You can be simply a Christian. Of such blessed fellowship of the Lord's Church is the reason why I will not hesitate to invite you to give yourself to Christ through baptism after you have heard ,believed the gospel of Christ, repented and confessing Jesus, calling up the name of the Lord in the Church. The Churches of Christ salute you.ROM 16:16.
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