'Weeping may endured for night,
But joy comes in the morning.' Psalm 30:5
The joy of the gift of life to do a Golden deed.
My reflection:
Materialism is driving our ambitious minds, denominational doctrines are finding their feet through our doors, Satan is using persecution from within the church strategy now and so we are blind to many of the adulterations in the pure teaching (sound doctrine of the Church) 1st Tim 6:3
One of the things I heard recently is about organisational structure issue of the Church.
Let me state emphatically that, NO AUTHORITY HAS BEEN HAS GIVEN TO ANY MAN, BODY OF MEN, OR ECCLESIASTICAL BODY TO CHANGE ANY OF THE FEATURES OF THE CHURCH WHICH INCLUDES THE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE. Have we forgotten so soon, To Whom has all Authority been given? Matt 28:18, JESUS both in heaven and on earth.
Every congregation is free from ecclesiastical council or body which the denominational world refer to in different ways like parish, diocese, district, headquarters etc
So the moment you try creating such, then you should know that you have tempered with the organisational structure. For anyone who would like to speak as the Oracles of God 1st Pet 4:11 knows that there is no such in the New Testament regarding God's Church. The local Church has the right to follow the organisational structure which the Lord gave:Titus 1:5, Phil 1:1, 1st Pet 5:1-2, Acts 14:23, 15:4, this leads us to what is biblically implied as 'autonomy'
The authority of the local Church is rested in the plurality of elders. No district church organisations . Each Church was self governing...... Autonomy. God made it so. If you do not agree to the teaching on the authonomy of the Church, please question God. But do not change it. Rev 22:18-19
So now to the issue of 'Church cooperation' among certain churches of Christ which i am aware of, which is in its incubation period must be examined to see whether it is Biblical or not
You will realise that brethren are using the word ' cooperation' to mean 'help' or maybe unity' forgetting the word cooperation goes beyond what they think. Brethren with the cooperation idea see it as working together for one purpose, evangelism, helping of weaker congregations etc.
From Median Webster dictionary, cooperation is defined;
1. as the action of someone who is being helpful by doing what is wanted or asked for.
2. Association of persons for a common benefit. Compared to other dictionary is the same definition. There cannot be such a cooperation without
1.A certain controlling office (head office)
2. A set of clearly defined rules guarding the cooperation(constitution)
3.The individuals of that cooperation do not have full rights or independence for the must agree to what the board of the cooperation says.
4.There must be a common fund.
In fact I cannot spell it all out here. This alone is enough for you to know that it is against the teaching of the apostles who are the foundation of the Church. Eph 2:20
Be reminded that this cooperation thing is of maybe good intensions but it doesn't warrant it Biblical acceptance. There is a way that seem right to man...... Prov 14:12, 16:25
So as many mistakes came by good intensions so apostasy of the church once came by good intensions: trying to unite christians under the Roman empire, bringing in the state and the emperor, setting up ecumenical councils, synods, making one elder a bishop etc.
All these were not biblical, so it sent the Church into apostasy.
Note we can still do evangelism and help weaker congregations without this church cooperation thing.It happened in the Bible, where individuals or brethren received help from different congregations aside their local congregations, however there was no separate organisations, councils and districts. It was also just a temporary help.2Cor8:16-24, 1Cor16:1, Acts 11:22-26
* The headquarters of the Church is in heaven, that is where the head is. Who is the head col 1:18
* There is no any other constitution. Which is our constitution? 2 Tim3:16
* Do not compromise autonomy, the church locally is autonomous-self governed. There is no regional or district office anywhere. Titus1:5 Acts 15:4
* And since the Church locally is autonomous, your giving (offering/collection) is managed by you locally. It is not sent into any common fund or whatsoever.
If a congregation is blessed by God ,they should give weaker congregations, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Leaders do not be deceived with your so much comparison with denominations, do not think of carnal things , let us not try to be like any other Church. The truth is simple. In fact it will make you free John 8:32. Brethren, do not allow the mistake of blind leading the blind
Matt 15:14
Otherwise you will stand on Jordan's stormy banks and cast a wishful eye to Canaan's fair and happy land...
CONTEND EARNESTLY FOR THE FAITH WHICH WAS ONCE FOR ALL DELIVERED TO YOU... Jude1:3 so that we will rest in the fair and happy land by and by just across the evergreen shore, singing the song of the lamb by and by and dwell with Jesus evermore.
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