I have a friend who never yielded to anything I explained to him about usually beliefs on which we differ. I tried to find out why he does not agree with anything I say even though the explanation is clear. His reply always is; you see, you just read the Bible to me. But I have to pray so that the Holy Spirit would reveal the meaning of it to me.
The seriousness of what I'm saying is that there are thousands of people who have similar mindsets to that of my friend's. One may ask but what is wrong with this mindset. Let me make it more clear to you.
There are some people who hold the view that without the Holy Spirit, one can't understand the scriptures and for that matter cannot interpret. They further attest that the Spirit reveals the meaning of the passage to you.
The purpose of this episode of the entire series of 'Blaming God?', is to propound such a view with regard to it genuity as far us the Bible is concerned.
Let me quick to raise the flag on this that nothing in this tract is of the intent to blaspheme the Holy Spirit (Matt 12:31,32);
To lie to (Acts5:3a); To resist (Acts7:51a); To grieve (Eph 4:30); To insult or despise (Heb 10:29); To quench (I Thess 5:19) the Holy Spirit.
But to bring up the misrepresentation of the Holy Spirit in Bible interpretation and present Him rightly. Now let us approach the heart of the aforementioned matter. One must keep these facts in mind:
1. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God is clearly seen as cooperating in many cases of conversion recorded in the New Testament ( Acts 2; 4; 5:14;8:5-12;9;10;13:43-48;16) etc.
2. Also, the Holy Spirit is the mastermind behind the production of God's Word (I Thess 5:21), as well as preserving it for us.
3. Though the above is true, does it then mean that the Holy Spirit reveal some interpretation or 'new truth' to us apart from what can be known or understood by correctly studying and applying good hermeneutical principles to that particular passage?
4. And does it follows that without the Holy Spirit, one cannot understand what he reads and therefore cannot interpret what he or she reads?
5. God in His divine wisdom has decided to use words (instrument) to communicate His will to us, which makes the Bible a normal and logical communication. Thus, when we read we are able to understand. (Eph 3:4-6). The Apostle earlier stated in this chapter that the mystery of the stewardship of God's grace was revealed to him which he wrote down for his audience. He further stated that the mystery of Christ was revealed to the apostles and prophets by the Spirit and they penned it down for us. What more could one make of this passage than the resounding fact that the Spirit operates by the revealed truth? All truth has be revealed to them as promised by Christ John 16:13 and they manifested it II Cor 4:2 and so that's is why we are admonished to study this word of truth to be able to handle it, teach it, apply it correctly, accurately, with precision. (II Tim 2:15).
What is the point here?
The point I'm making is that the Spirit does not reveal any new truth apart from what has been written down. And so it follows that the Holy Spirit is not in the life of the Christian to cure his poor interpretation of the Scriptures. He does not perfunctorily reverse repercussions of breaching hermeneutical principles. The Holy Spirit works within the proper form of communication but not independent of it. You can not disregard, context, grammar, literary form etc and still think that some way some how, the Holy Spirit will give you right interpretation. The Holy Spirit desires to use the believer's mind in Bible study. God expects to carefully study and use our minds to reason and apply principles of interpretation. So, many times the Bible asked us to think (Phil 4:8; II Tim 2:7). The Spirit has already revealed the truth and sound interpretive principles will get us to the understanding.
Contrast, those who read and still expect the Holy Spirit to speak verbally ,through vision, dream or some inner light are bound to twist the scriptures to their own destruction (II Pet 3:16). The Spirit has spoken already. He has spoken in His word and continues to speak through the Word.
6. Unbelievers are without the Holy Spirit. Could they understand the Scriptures or not?
Most people would agree that they could not and would usually defend it by I Cor 2:14 . But unfortunately that would be erroneous. As stated earlier on that, the Scriptures are made of normal and logical communication. I need not to list the many unbelievers who have good understanding of the Scriptures. It is a fact that the Spirit has revealed to us the truth already and whoever study it will understand. The unbeliever still in his unbelief may not appreciate or see the significance of the message in God's plan of salvation and in his or her life.
Considering 1 Cor 2:14
The larger context of the passage should be considered carefully. I.e the first 3 chapters of the book of I Corinthians. Specifically chapter 1:18-3:23. In it proper context, the Apostle was not discussing the unbeliever and the Holy Spirit. He stressed more on wisdom; worldly wisdom and God's wisdom, wisdom of the flesh and that of the Spirit. History bear witness that the Greeks had the reputation of "pursuing every kind of knowledge " as reported by Herodotus( History IV.77). The Bible also does; as we clearly see that being portrayed by the Epicurean and Stoic Philosophers and their brethren Athenians and foreigners who lived there spent their time in nothing except telling or hearing something Act 17:17, 21. Paul argued that true wisdom is not the wisdom of the wise, wisdom of the world, wisdom of men or wisdom according to world's standards. I Cor 1:19,20;3:19; 2:5 and II Cor1:12. So the Greeks boasted of such wisdom whilst Paul said true wisdom exist in the revelation of the gospel embracing the message and mission of Jesus Christ.
What am I saying ?
That the Greek who taught has wisdom of his own would see the the gospel message as folly and he cannot understand it as wisdom because he relies on worldly wisdom but Paul, whose wisdom is not from men but from God sees it as true wisdom. It is just as to the Hebrew too Christ's crucifixion is a stumbling block. So in effect, the arrogant man who relies on his worldly wisdom does not understand the things of the one who is spiritually endowed with true wisdom.(inspiration, he was inspired)
Paul is seen as the spiritual man and the natural man is is the one without inspiration( who relies on worldly wisdom).
So the I Cor 2:14 does not say unbelievers cannot understand the Scriptures. Then why would Christ command us to preach and teach the lost world the gospel message if they cannot understand. Cf Matt 28:18-20.
And does it also mean that,the Spirit is to be blamed for difference in interpretation of all who call themselves Christians? Certainly not. I Cor 14:33
Now that these two questions of numerous misconceptions are answered, let ask ourselves the actual role of the Holy Spirit
The "modus operandi" of the Spirit is through the word He authored.
1. He reminds us to study the word diligently. II Tim 2:15.
2. He reminds us to prove all things I Thesis 5:21.
3. We are to humble ourselves and realize that the Scriptures is from the Spirit, hence what we see in the Scriptures should be consistent with the work of the Spirit.
4. The other aspect is that with prepared hearts, the Spirit gives us understanding through His word. Ezra 7:10. He helps us to appreciate and apply Scriptures in our lives.
1. Jesus emphasized on diligent study
.....John 5:39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.
2. Peter emphasized on diligent study
2 Pet 3: 16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
3. Paul emphasized on diligent study
2 Tim 2: 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Paul himself didn't only urge us to study, he practiced it...
2Tim 4:13 The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments.(implied).
4. Luke emphasized on diligent study
Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
5. The Old Testament Prophets also studied
1 Pet 1:10 Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you:
You see, if the prophets who were inspired still searched diligently, then how much more you who do not receive direct inspiration as they did. Proper understanding and interpretation of Scriptures has to do with studying the Scriptures diligently; Studying by applying good hermeneutical principles, considering the context, and gathering all the information that the Scriptures have to say about the topic. The Spirit has already made the truth revealed. And you shall know it and by knowing, it shall set you free. John 8:32.
God indeed cannot be blamed.
Look for the last episode of "BLAMING GOD? ", which will cover the topic: 'Authority of the Bible'
God bless you.
Notes: shutterstock. Images.
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