LET'S END IT THIS WAY 

As I was under the impression that the year 2018, all too soon has ended, the meaning of the word 'END' came across.
This three-letter word has a very strong implications. The feeling behind the word END is very diverse yet very strong.
For instance watching  movies; the end of some movies leave us with sad feelings, and others leave us with joy or happiness.

Now think about the word again:
Think about an interesting game coming to an end.
Think about the life of a person(especially a loved one ) coming to an end.
Think about a good business coming to end.
Or think about a tough semester coming to an end.
What about a difficult year coming to an end.
Think about anything at all coming to an end and assess how you feel about that.
The final part of a period of time, an event, an activity,  or a story (end)  is very important. In fact I  can't say more than what the Holy Spirit has already recorded in Eccl 7:8
Better is the end of a thing than its beginning
And the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.

Why the end is important
Because it's very easy for everyone to kick start the new year with a lot of energy or enthusiasm. But as to whether that will last to the end or not, no one can guarantee.
The end is when we see the conclusion of everything.
The end is when we reap the fruit of all  that we have sown. We see the results of the decisions we have made. 
The end is when we see all we have achieved from all the objectives we have set for ourselves.
The end is when we are judged and give account of everything given to us from the beginning.
At the end we get to know whether we have succeeded or failed.
Now, this is the  end of 2018. 
Not long ago in the first day of the month of January that I published a tract on new year resolutions. The question is; all that have we set for ourselves, have we been able to achieve those goals or objectives?
All that you said you would do, did you do them?
The changes you made, did you keep to this end?
If you have achieved all that you set for yourself, well done and glory be to God. If you have not achieved anything then you  have a problem which needs to be addressed urgently as we move into yet another new year. Stick to your plans‼️‼️
If you have achieved some and remaining with some too,  don't worry, this is not the end of everything. So far as we have life, there is still hope.

All I'm saying is that we should not only be happy about entering into a 'new year' but we should also consider how we would want the end of the year to be. We should consider that there will surely be difficult times, yet with God on our side we will succeed. The end will be better when we are patient in spirit and wait on the Lord.  We should intentionally plan how we will  want the year 2019 to end(i.e on our part/responsiblity). For the end of a year is more important than the beginning.

 Lest I forget,  there's one more 'end' which is most important -the end of our lives (whether God calls us home at his purposed time and or Christ comes a second time).
To have a joyous end let us rely on the one who knows the end from the beginning Isaiah 46:10
Let's surrender our will to Him in this new year by
Hearing His Gospel ............Rom 10:14-17
                                                Acts 2:37
Believing in Christ through the gospel....................................Mark 16:15-16
                                               John 6:40,48
Repent from sin...................Luke 13:3
                                                Acts 3:19
Confess faith in Christ........Rom 10:9-10
                                                Acts 8:26-39
Be baptized............................Acts 2:37-38
                                                Matt 28:18-20
                                                Mark 16:15-16
God adds you to the Church(the Body) of Christ........................................Acts 2:47
Continue to abide in him.....I John 3:28-29

Please keep visiting this blog and share with friends. Read and comment, or ask questions and I will be ready to welcome any of those. Thanks for reading and sharing.  God bless you. 

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