Moses, as was confronted by God to lead His people -Israel ,was probably belittling himself. Both parents were in bondage in Egypt, though a prince yet a slave. He had killed an Egyptian; and that matter may come up  one day since his fellow, a Hebrew knew what he has done. Perhaps he saw himself a coward that's why he fled to Midian for the fear of Pharaoh. He was a poor Shepherd.  Besides he was fully aware of his personal deficiencies.... With Moses' dialogue with God,  he gave more excuses why he can't do what God was asking him to do or be. Exo 3-4:178

1. GOD: "Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring forth my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt "
    Moses: "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh,  and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?"

2.  GOD: "but I will be with you; and this shall be the sign for you,that I have sent you:............"
     Moses:  "If I come to the people of Israel and say to them,  'The God of your fathers has sent me to you' and they ask me, 'what is his name?' what shall I say to them?" (another excuse)

3.  GOD:  "I AM WHO I AM"
(God promised Moses that the people will listen to him. He said the elders of Israel also would go with him to Pharaoh. God told him of his might and the wonders he was going to do in Egypt through him- he gave him more assurance.)
    Moses: "But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, 'The Lord did not appear to you.' "

4.  GOD: "What is in your hand? "
     Moses: "A rod."

5. GOD:  "Cast it on the ground "
(God demonstrated His might to Moses by the 'serpent-rod'; the 'leprous hand' and 'the blood water from the Nile' on a dry ground)
6.  Moses: "Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either heretofore or since thou hast spoken to thy servant; but I am slow of speech and of tongue."
GOD: "Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him dumb, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak"

7.  Moses: "Oh, my Lord, send, I pray, some other person."
Then the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses and he said:
       "Is there not Aaron, your brother, the Levite? " I know that he can speak well;..............Exo 4:17 The dialogue ends.

While Moses was busily looking for reasons why he can't do God's assignment, God on the other hand, was patiently  giving Moses so many solid, good reasons why he was capable of doing the work. Moses finally had a change of mind. He rejected all the excuses he gave and accepted God's task. He tried almost in all circumstances to obey God, until once he disobeyed God outright and that disqualified him from entering the promised land.

His accomplishments were; the greatest Jewish leader, he set the Exodus into motion and was used by God to lead Israel to defeat their enemies, he was a prophet and a lawgiver, he recorded the ten commandments, he was the author of the Pentateuch.......and so on and so forth.

Now at the end of Moses' life, it was recorded of him in Deut 34:10-12; And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses,  whom the Lord knew face to face,  none like him for all the signs and the wonders which the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt............. Wow, what a great legacy!!!

Hold on for a second, let's go to the dialogue and read Moses' responses: Was he the same person who said 'who am I?'; Was he the one who said Israel won't believe him?; Was he the one who was not eloquent?; Was he the one who said 'behold, Lord send some other person?'


Just like Moses, most of us also have more excuses why we can't do what God demands us to do even though he has assured us that he would be with us.
Probably we are asking the same questions Moses asked;
 Who am I?
 - my parents are poor, I don't have good educational background, people don't respect where I'm hailing from etc. But don't look at who you are. Look at who is sending you,  the one who has called you. Rather look at God's background,  how mighty, awesome, miraculous, all-knowing  He is. etc.

Perhaps, you are asking the same question like Moses: what shall I  say to them?. You don't even know what you have in you. You don't even know what it is that you are capable of. Moses had a rod in his hand and least did he expect that that rod could turn into a serpent with God's command. We have so many potentials and least do we expect to be that successful person we dream about each day.
If you don't know what to say (what you have), asked The 'I AM WHO I AM'
However, if you know what are your abilities, then trust in the One who gave you those potentials(God), that with your trust in him and obedience to his Word, you can achieve everything (Phil 4:13). God does his greatest work through frail people.

Maybe you are saying I'm not this, I'm not that. I'm not good enough, I'm not smart enough for that job. 'You are not eloquent' This person is better than me. Ask yourself; who created me.Who made me who I am? Remember what God asked Moses: who has created man's mouth?,  who makes him deaf, dumb, seeing, or blind ?
Instead of looking at how weak you are, rather focus on the one who gave you that ability you even call 'weak'. He is able to complement your abilities with whoever he desires for you to achieve the impossible. It is Him you should be focusing on.

Finally, you are actually saying: "oh no, it cannot be me. I cannot fix that mess. How difficult it is. How unpleasant this job is. Oh no it cannot be me. Lord send some other person.
Wait a minute, think about what was written about Moses after all those excuses -there was none like him in Israel .
God will not change whatever abilities you already have -He can mold them into something better to achieve greater things .
Learn the lesson; don't let the past compell you to give excuses when God is offering  you lots of opportunities. Don't let the present also scare you of taking steps  into the future.
There maybe hardships beginning this year,  but with faith in God He will  bring us to a successful end.
Most importantly whatever your life is now,  God can still accept if only you are ready to accept His terms of condition:
Hearing His Gospel ............Rom 10:14-17
                                                Acts 2:37
Believing in Christ through the gospel....................................Mark 16:15-16
                                               John 6:40,48
Repent from sin...................Luke 13:3
                                                Acts 3:19
Confess faith in Christ........Rom 10:9-10
                                                Acts 8:26-39
Be baptized............................Acts 2:37-38
                                                Matt 28:18-20
                                                Mark 16:15-16
God adds you to the Church(the Body) of Christ........................................Acts 2:47
Continue to abide in him.....I John 3:28-29

Please keep visiting this blog and share with friends. Read and comment, or ask questions and I will be ready to welcome any of those. Thanks for reading and sharing.  God bless you. 

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